This was UPDATED - 01/03/2025
Below is a list of our suppliers and their ESTIMATED dispatch times and delivery times.
We are a Drop Shipper all products ship direct to you from our suppliers.
Ozroll Roller Shutter parts.
Currently, there are no delays, ALL parts ship within 3 business days via Express post (some batteries are general parcel post).
Please make an allowance for the Christmas closure until the 6th of January.
Black Duck Seat Covers.
Manufactured in WA - currently facing an unprecedented order volume with delays of up to 1-2 weeks, but currently averaging approximately 1 week and FREE delivery of 2-5 business days by Startrack Air Express.
Sperling Seat Covers.
Tradies seat covers are generally in stock and shipped within 5 business days and FREE delivery of 2-5 business days. (some stock is out at present we will email an update.)
Tailor-Made seat covers KAKADU, EXPLORER, CATERPILLAR, R.M. WILLIAMS, and TRUCK TOUGH are made to order in Sydney and generally shipped within 1.5 weeks and FREE delivery of 2-5 business days by Startrack.
Topaz Global Seat Covers. (Motorbikes, Quads, UTV, Mowers, etc
Manufactured in a small country town of only 600 people in WA - currently facing an unprecedented order volume, the current dispatch average on most orders is 3 days, with some products up to 2 weeks and FREE delivery of 2-8 business days Express Post.