Canvas Seat Covers TOYOTA HILUX
Miller Canvas sells a wide range of CANVAS SEAT COVERS to suit TOYOTA HILUX
LN85 / LN86 (08/1981 - 12/1991)
HILUX LN106 (01/1986 - 12/1997)
LN106 SR5 (01/1986 - 12/1997)
HILUX (01/1998 - 04/2005) NOT SR5
LN167 SR5 Series 1 (01/1998 - 07/2002)
LN167 SR5 Series 2 (08/2002 - 04/2005)
HILUX WORKMATE & SR (05/2005 - 06/2015)
HILUX SR5 (05/2005 - 06/2015)
HILUX "Current Model" from (07/2015 onwards)
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